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Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing

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Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing


Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing
Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing


*** For the first time, and for one time only, I put on an violent 3- day– and- nights forum where I tutored absolutely everything I know about turning word– products into fortunes. Over 250 attendedcoming from as far down as Japan and Australia. Each paid at least$ to attend. This forum will noway repeat.However, you missed a rarest– of-rare occasion to hear from notoriety who has really made a fortune and guided numerous others in doing the same, in the fascinating field of’ information products‘, If you missed it. ***

As you would guess, the reason for this letter, now, is that we did record the entire 34- hour(!!!) forumalso precisely edited and condensed those recordings into two” Highlights Packages“, one audio, one videotape, and have made it possible for you to” attend” at home.

In this letter, I ’m going to tell you all about this unknown programexactly what I revealed, and do everything I can to help you make a wise decision, whether or not you should make the rather substantial investment of time and plutocrat needed to” attend“, via the videotapes.

This requires a long letter. I know you ’re busyperhaps not blessed with tolerance. But I’m serious when I say that no other letter I’ve ever written has as important eventuality to dramatically change your life for the better as this bone So I hope you ’ll take the time to read it completely. And I must prompt you to do so incontinently – it includes a veritably limited HALF– PRICE offer you may not want to miss.

The fabulous Alchemist Lives

perhaps you read fables as a sprat about medieval alchemists, who claimed the power to turn everything from cloth to dirt into gold, to take negligibly precious raw material and– presto!– turn it into tremendously precious gold.

The capability to constantly and constantly turn paper and essay or blank lines or analogous vehicles of information into” gold” is ultramodern witchcraft. The capability to take one to several runners of deals dupe in an announcement or deals letter dealing information and turn it into hundreds of thousands of bones is ultramodern witchcraftWealth from thin air. I seriously question whether there’s any other” alchemist” alive on this earth who has demonstrated enjoying this power as numerous times in as numerous different situations as I have.

That’s why indeed formerly veritably accomplishedveritably successfulveritably rich word– marketers still seek out my backing with their systems. And pay gigantic, arguably stag totalities of plutocrat for my input.

Studying Dan’s material has been largely responsible for millions in deals of my products on the Internet.

tête-à-têtestudying Dan’s material has been largely responsible for millions in deals of my products on the Internet. That is not an magnification. And if I had to name my# 1 Go– to joe for advice– he is at the very top of the list. In fact, I still regularly pay him over$,000 a time for his advicecoffers and discussion. Yes, Dan hates his computer and loathes the Internet but when he talks about online marketing I drop everything and pay attention.”

Yanik Silver,

Should you bear substantiation of my status as a truelivingbreathing alchemist Click hereto find a slice of word– marketer guests, by namedescriptions of their businesses, and details of my benefactions to their wealth. And, you ’ll find some commentary from similar guests.

still, I believe you’ll find an inviting transcendence of evidencecompelling reasons for you to gain what I know about this for your use, If you take time to review this information.

I owe a lot of my own success to Dan Kennedy.

want to thank you for making theA-Z word RICHES forum available for everyone to profit from- seriously. Information marketing has created more millionaires and fiscal freedom for further ordinary people than any business in the world, and now anyone can learn this business direct from the undisputed MASTER Dan Kennedy. I owe a lot of my own success to Dan Kennedy and I am agitated in participating this with everyone too!

Ewen Chia The” Super Affiliates’ Super Affiliate”

DO N’T ENVY ME, MY life.

still, 000, If I do n’t make at least a$1.00 a day from my information productsnearly all of it arriving through my correspondence, my Websites, the fax machine, I ’m veritablyveritably grumpy. And I do make that – and further – nearly every day, whether I do any work or not. Last time, my woman , Carla and I took a 7 day Alaska voyage, several other recesses, I took over 70 days out to” wisecrack” around with our racehorses, Carla visited our son and new grandson in Washington,D.C. nearly every other week for a many months – and the plutocrat kept streaming in. The point is – this type of business offers not only the income, but the freedom to live as you please.

And I’ve dozens and dozens of guests who’ve” modeled” me, and created millionaire cultures of their own as” word– marketers.” WHY NOT YOU?

Imaginejoining me and numerous of my guests,” scholars“, and Platinum Members in an ideal” business life“. retaining word– products that formerly produced, for as little as a many hundred bones of investment and a week of workdeliver income time after time afteryear.orders arriving via the Internet, correspondence, a phone serviceorders being packed for you, and huge gains flowing into your bank account every day whether you indeed drop by your office or not, or on a voyage, a sand, in a mountaincabin.having other word– entrepreneurs engaged in common gambles with you, doing all the” heavy lifting”, dealing your word– products to their guests, and transferring you big checks.

And note, I ’m talking about YOUR OWN Personal PRODUCTS that you produceenjoy and control – and I promiseindeed if you ca n’t write a grocery list or are” all thumbs” at the computer, you CAN snappily develop veritably precious word– products of your own.

With my life’s design – and my customer’s exemplifications – to follow, you CAN develop your own” perfect business“.. Many or NO workers, NO office outflowutmost” work” done FOR you by outside merchandisersdeals done AUTOMATICALLY, little or no particular contact with guestsmultiple aqueducts of income from your products – from your own advertising, mailings, Internet marketing AND from distribution by numerous others. every time the FAX beeps, plutocrat for you! The day’s correspondenceplutocrat for you!

Why would n’t you want to live such a profitable business life to the topmost extent possible?

Solet me tell you about this” home study package” grounded on my formerly– by-a-lifetime, tell– it- ALL forum you missed, entirely, simply and completely devoted to thea-to-z’s of making plutocrat with direct marketing and in the information business


tutored nearly the entire forum. From 830AM right through to 930PM the first two days, 830AM – 330PM the 3rd, as close tonon-stop as humanly possible. There were NO guest speakersonly a many quick” panel conversations.”

By the way, the longest donation about word– marketing I ’ve ever given at anybody differently’s forum or conference has been two hours. Imagine what I can do with over 30″ classroom” hours!


* I ’m lower than 500 days down from real“semi-retirement”, as I write this letter – cutting wayway back on speakingtutoringconsultingDivesting my businesses.

smart Marketers from each over the world traveled to hear Dan reveal his secrets for making a pack in the information publishing and direct marketing businessIndeed long time pros, somemulti-millionaires, could not believe all the” plums of wisdom” Dan participated.

poured my heart and soul into this technical forum, which was offered only to my Inner Circle Members, because the information business has enabled me to produce similar independence and security, I really wanted my Members intrigued with this kind of business to have exactly the same occasionFirstly, it was my intent to make the forum itself AND the highlights packages available only to my own Members, each as only a one- time offer. But Michael Kimble has induced me to” open the doors” via the recordings to any of his guests who have a strongserious interest in this particular type of business – his words” it would be a crime to keep it from them and retire with it locked down in your closet. it’s nearly like taking some important secret people could use to ameliorate their lives with you into the grave.”

So I allowed it over, and I’ve decided I want you to have this, too.

I’m holding nothing backNothing. Every iota of experiencesuccessful AND unprofitable, and knowledge I’ve acquired in 25 times of” word– witchcraft” will be laid bare before you.

To prepare, I ’ve started the laboriousyet stimulatingtask of going back through archival lines dating back to 1975; literally a room fullbottom to ceilingwall to wall, of advertisementsdeals letters, productscustomer lines, my own design linesinvesting months of hard workorganizing everything I want to give you, making sure I leave nothing out, no gravestone unturned. A slice of the information I gave out at this forum— and kept in the edited runners— is listed on this runner, but it doesn’t indeed come near to doing justice to everything revealed.

stilldo whatever you can to get your hands on this course, If you want to roadway your literacy wind and begin living a dream life

Five times ago I quit my client service job and began selling information products online. It was a scary vault, but the one thing that made me confident I would succeed was the training of Dan Kennedy. No bone has launched more successful information publishing conglomerates than Dan Kennedy. I simply followed the vestiges he laid out and my life has noway been the same. I get up when I want to, I work as important or as little as I want to and the income still comes in enough much on bus– airman. The freedom to do what you want, when you want is absolutely inconceivable. Once you get a taste of it, you ’ll noway want to do the 9- 5 routine again.

stilldo whatever you can to get your hands on this course, If you want to roadway your literacy wind and begin living a dream life. You wo n’t lament it.

James Scott- Longwood,

Dan’s forum saved me from a lot of frustrationwasting a lot of plutocrat – and most important – wasting a lot of time.

” There’s a lot of occasion in the information– products business, but chancing the path to success can be like wandering into the timber in ‘ The Blair Witch Project. ’ Dan’s forum saved me from a lot of frustrationwasting a lot of plutocrat – and most important – wasting a lot of time. In my request, I could noway have swung to waste the time it would have taken me to learn everything that was covered in just three days.”

George Columbo, Winter Springs, FL
Author,, Absolute Beginner’s Guide toPodcasting

The most important piece of advice Dan Kennedy ever gave me was.

that you can have the topmost businessproduct or service in the world but if no bone knows about it it’ll fail. In other words, people won’t beat a path to your door if you have a better mouse trap. He tutored me that I’m not in the ‘ information product ’ business I’m in the business of “ marketing ” information products.

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