Dan Kennedy – POWER POINTS
Dan Kennedy – POWER POINTS
Then is just a bitsy slice of the gems to be set up in POWER POINTS
Dan Kennedy – POWER POINTS
Entrepreneurship & Business Success
The paradigm shift in how you see yourself, that produces enormous, fast earnings in deals and gains.
What’s the secret of the entrepreneur who can take pitfalls without solicitude?
What to do if everybody hates your idea?
The stylish piece of people operation advice that everybody ignores.
THE Cardinal Rule of Delegation.
THE fiscal secret that pulls extraordinary gains from ordinary businesses.
Why adding deals is infrequently the right# 1 precedence.
The Three Rules Of Management that help fear, ensure neutrality rather of emotional response, and foster calm peace of mind.
How theMini-Conglomerate Strategy can conquer utmost entrepreneurs biggest, most frequent reoccurring, utmost distasteful problem.
How to look at client retention.
What one component should every product have, before you invest in selling it?
How to produce a Cash Flow Surge when you need it most.
What single, reenacting decision has further to do with your long– term success in business than any other decision you’ll ever make and why do utmost entrepreneurs blow this one further frequently that not?
The power of sponger marketing how to produce marketing capital out of thin air.
What’s the purpose of being in business?( utmost entrepreneurs have this all squinched up!!!)
The power of overhead creep.
Why Pride is your worst adversary, and how to cover yourself.
The Five Rules Of Business that, followed, nearly guarantee ultimate wealth.
The only kind of question to ask when closing a trade.
How a simple misreading costs most professional services, service businesses and stores small fortunes time after time.
What you must know about offending people.
The one thing every prospect, client or customer wants so desperately that they will buy just about anything from anybody who can fulfill this primitive need.
How to make price anon-issue every time!( 2 simple ways that take price out of the buying decision, indeed in price sensitive businesses filled with cheapest price challengers!)
In person- to- person selling or negotiating, the most important trick that melts resistance down.
The power of package selling.
What’s more important than creative, dupe, offer, target requests,etc. in making your advertising pay off?
How to( at least) double the readership of just about any announcement.
THE most effective kind of direct– correspondence crusade.
How to use five Emotional Factors to make advertising swish.
What’s THE one thing people are eager to buy, over all additional?
The power of illegal comparison.
The two most constantly made miscalculations in advertising.
Two magic words that boost the pulling power of utmost captions.
The power of the right offer.
Two obstacles that indeed the veritably stylish dupe, communication and offer can noway overcome.
Why should you announce?( Believe it or not, utmost people do not know, and waste a lot of plutocrat as a result.)
A tough, grueling , in- your- face question that will make all your advertising more.
A sure winner direct– correspondence crusade for just about any business.
The power of the retired benefit how to use this strategy tore-invest tired offers.
Five millionaires met on a Caribbean islet, as a testament of the power of this one secret.
The power of threat reversal how to produce compelling guarantees.
The power of supremacy and recency.
The deals letter trick most copywriters forget.
The Power Points Incredibly Detailed indicator Makes All This Work For You As If I Was Sitting Right There, Waiting To incontinently Answer Any Question.
The INDEX is stitched near magical. Putting together the Index was nearly as herculean a design as was doing everything differently.
This is a detailed,cross-cross-cross substantiated, largely systematized, easy to use Index, so you can get from question or content to answers presto. Every Power Point is numbered, every runner is numbered, and both sets of figures are used in the Index.
You can go to the Index and incontinently find all my Power Points for
Deals letters
Order forms
Multi-step marketing juggernauts
Promotional books
Lead generation
Using mailing lists
Recorded dispatches
Preparing for an important concession
Replying to unforeseen adversity
adding a business cash inflow
Cleverlyre-inventing a business
Cheap, do– it- yourself request exploration
Adding swish to a speech
How big is POWER POINTS?
Dan Kennedy – POWER POINTS
As big as my career experience.
I’ve consulted in over 176 different businesses, diligence and professions, with guests ranging in size from lower than a million bones a time in deals to over a billion bones a time in deals, and everything in between. My guests successful results have made me a marketing legend.
I’ve erected, bought, vended businesses. Created publishing and marketing businesses for$500.00 to$ that have latterly produced millions of bones in deals.
I’ve had enormous and disturbing failures.
I’ve private guests in continuing connections as long as 10 times, guests and subscribers who’ve been with me as long as 15.
I’ve faced hundreds of business problems, thousands of marketing challenges, turned losing systems into winners, multiplied gains and inflows, constructed truly new and innovative styles and strategies, indeed revolutionized a many entire diligence.
Every ounce of all that experience, successful and unprofitable, is condensed and included in POWER POINTS.
POWER POINTS is so gigantic it can not indeed be put in one volume!
POWER POINTS will be delivered to you in three large volumes the first volume, Advertising, Marketing & Deals; the second, Personal Achievement & Productivity; & the third, Entrepreneurship & Business Success.
As an option, in addition to the primers, you can also get the entire POWER POINTS ENCYCLOPEDIA on a completely searchable CD- ROM. That means you can just pop that little hickey in your computer, type in a couple of crucial words, and the CD- ROM incontinently finds all the Power Points related to your crucial words. Or, you can just click on the subject order or individual Power Point( s) you are interested in seeing.
POWER POINTS was originally offered ONLY to my private guests and Inner Circle Members. It was also set for publication at$599.00. But Michael Kimble has published it in a different list, in advanced volume, and created cost savings he is decided to pass along to you. And( obviously) induced me that this should be made available to all my guests— not just Inner Circle Members.
Right now, you can get the entire POWER POINTS SYSTEM for just$299.00. A huge 50 reduction from its original retail price of$599.00. Or, order now and get the System primers AND the new CD- ROM for just$399.00, still a big 33 savings.
You might put thousands of bones in your fund from just one use of POWER POINTS. Imagine what you might make by asking it a question everyday?
Wake Me Up In The Middle Of The Night
Go ahead worry me endlessly with your questions. Poke me in the side and ask me questions all day long. Roll me over and ask me a question in the middle of the damned night. Like a circus ocean captain who does a somersault every time a dead fish is gestured over its head, I’ll vault to alertness, ready and eager to give you my veritably stylish ideas, advice and answers at a moment‘s notice, any time, as frequently as you ask . That is what retaining POWER POINTS enables you to do.
This really is THE ultimate Dan Kennedy product; if you’ve served from any of my products, also you must have this product.
Dan Kennedy – POWER POINTS
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