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Yates J Canipe, PhD – Rev. Vince Wingo – Scott Bolan – Speed

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Yates J Canipe, PhD – Rev. Vince Wingo – Scott Bolan – Speed Summit Las Vegas 2008


Yates J Canipe, PhD - Rev. Vince Wingo - Scott Bolan - Speed Summit Las Vegas 2008
Yates J Canipe, PhD – Rev. Vince Wingo – Scott Bolan – Speed Summit Las Vegas 2008 1


We have Decided to” Break the Code” of” the Secret” For You into
incontinently Workable Street-ready Chops You Can Use
to Get Anything You Want( From Yourself and from Anyone Differently!)
the Moment after you watch these eachnew DVDs!!!

The most important question you could ever ask Personal Power & Persuasion Chops.

What does NLP, Hypnosis,
Mental Warfare Secrets, Ninja Mind Control,
Huna Manifestation & Healing Secrets,
ultramodern Achievement wisdom and
impregnable Persuasion & Influence Technologies
conceivably have to do with
out of lifeRIGHT Then AND NOW?

The answer Everything!

And when you understand and apply it, Magic Happens in YOUR diurnal life.

suppose for a moment” what do I really want?” Is it.

1. further plutocrat?

2. The capability to permanently change habitspassionsconnections and results, without trouble?

3. Advanced energy situations?

4. impregnable glamorous Confidence?

5. The planchops and secrets of starting your own word– product conglomerateso you can stay home and sleep in while making further plutocrat than you ever did at work?

Or could it be.

• How to conceal your intentions and plans from others for maximum strategic results?

• Reading another person’s body language at a regard?

• How to know if someone is lying?

• How to know what cards they have?

• How to win at ANY game you want to play in your life?

My friend ALL of these effects, every single bone of them, you can fluently discover in an inconceivable new DVD set taken from our 2008 3- day weekend in Las Vegas with me, the “ Mental Warfare Master ” Scott Bolan, and the famedDr. Yates Canipe, the “ Speed Genius ”( the man who innovated the ultramodern men’s tone– help movement and unleashed the world’s most popular temptation course and it’s creator on the world to phenomenal results!) and our very special guestread further!)

Now hearRight off the club may people suppose this kind of stuff soundsover-the-top. That is because utmost people noway take the time to suppose or learn” outside of the box.” They are stuck in what they have been tutored and programmed with and noway get the results they really want.

They suppose effects like this are not possiblenumerous times agone , these were the same people who believed the earth was flat. They put Christ, Socrates, Galileo and others who allowed in better newer ways to get better results, to death.

They put the man who discovered origins and told people to wash their hands into an insane shelter.

These types of people still live moment. They are called” the millions.” They scarfed and reprimanded the Wright Sisters for saying they were going to make a machine that men could fly in( known as the Aeroplane)

These types of effects sound veritably unusual or unthinkable to them, and so they scarf and are skeptical. And they noway get out of the box. They live dull, boring, perfunctory and medium lives.

But then is the good news. YOU aren’t one of the millions! You wouldn’t be on our list if you were not a thinker– someone who knows there’s an edge to get the effects you really want out of life. That is why you are then now. You looked for commodity differentcommodity better, and you set up us off the beaten path. And that means

You Now Have Access to Secrets and Chops that No Bone Differently Has!

do n’t want to offend anyone but I ’ve got to say it like it’s This gives you an illegal advantage over the rest of the population. Period. I detest to say it that way, but that is the way it really is, so why the hell not? The simple fact of the matter is that for people like me and my associates.

These putatively” Magical” Powers are a diurnal Reality.

say” putatively” magical because they only feel that way. In fact they aren’t magic, they’re an undiscovered wisdom.

say undiscovered wisdom because it’s still not conceded by mainstream society.

important in the same way a round earth wasn’t conceded by the mainstream! Does that make sense?

hear up, friend because if you want further out of life –

further Fun! further( and better) coitus More Passion further Health

further plutocrat More Happiness further Successfurther Love

further Chops More particular Power More Confidence More Magic

– also this is going to be the most important advertisement you ’ve ever read.

Consider this momentright now as you read this, the “ turning point ” moment in your life where all of your dreams and pretensions come a reality, because in just one inconceivable weekend with me,Dr. Yates Canipe and our special guests, you’ll discover the incredibly important yet astoundingly simple

Secret Science of Total Life Mastery

We have decided to” break the law” of” the Secret” for you
into incontinently workable roadready chops you can use
To Get Anything Your Want Out of Life
from Yourself and from Others) the moment you walk out the door!

noway ahead has this combination of Chops and Master Coaches of the particular Changecommission & Persuasion trades been brought together under one roof!

The Universe Brought Us Together to Do This for You

Before we talk about it, I want to start off by telling you about commodity redundant!

Yates Canipe( the man who revolutionized the men’s enhancement arena by unleashing Ross Jeffries and his bestselling temptation course on the world) will tête-à-tête leads an evening session on the DVDs for all of those interested in

The SCIENCE of Seduction


still, you ’re could n’t be more wrong, If you ’re allowing that temptation is each about picking up sprats and getting laid. Sure, it works like a charm for that. But temptation is NOT Deception. Deception guarantees failure, if you use deception you may get temporary results, but ultimately you’ll fail. Why not rather have a continuing success that’s the real thing?! Then’s how! And.

There’s SO MUCH further to Seduction that it works indeed better for! I ’m not talking about sexual temptation, I ’m talking about Persuasion, Influence and Magical Art of Rapport and Masterful Results.

suppose about it, how would you like to.

• betray your followership? • betray your Target request? • betray your Group?

• betray your Circle of Influence? • betray your Office?

Look, I do not know how to say it any other wayso I will just go ahead and say it


Want your own evidence? You’ll get to practice these drills right in the sequestration of your living room with the DVDs and see it for yourself incontinently.

Thousands of men have been helped to achieve maximum success in all areas of life, from business success to particular change, from connections and romantic fulfillment to mending, thanks to the groundbreaking work ofDr. Yate’s and his revolutionary new “ Beliefs ” course

The feedback is phenomenal and inviting!

And let me ask you a questionRight now what would your life be like if you absolutely knew

The wisdom of Mind Reading

Imagine being suitable to read another persons studies and intentions as fluently as reading a business signal. Would that be a precious skill to have in your lifeJust what could you do with such a skill? Would n’t it be great to have that power?!

Well, now is your chance to have it, ever, by getting the Speed Summit DVDs. Yates and I’ll leave no gravestone unturned in making sure you Understand and Apply these chops. You can take it home with you and keep it ever. AND You’ll discover


You’ll be tutored the way I tutored bobbies and undercover agents at my Combat Academy. You’ll discover the secrets I educate only to private guests including Attorneys, Law Enforcement, Military, NLP masters, PUA’s, psych profilers, Hypnpotherapists and attendees of my Mental Warfare Secrets shops.

suppose about it right now How numerous times will someone lie to you during the course of your life? And, what will it bring you? Wouldn’t it be better to KNOW when they’re lying; to know HOW to descry, and correct, those who lie or are about to lie to you?

Of course, knowing this puts you at an illegal advantage over others, because they will not be suitable to keep any secrets from you!

And, you could fluently move others of anything, true or untrue, when you learn the strategies, tactics and exact lores of persuasion in the Speed Summit DVD course. But I know you will not take illegal advantage of others, because your heart will not permit it.

That is the unique thing about a Warrior. They use their strengths and powers for good, and to manifest an overflow of great effects in their lives and the lives of others.

There’s a force inside you, a kind of” spiritual suspicion” that discerns all effectsgood and bad. This suspicion is veritably important, and glamorous still,99.9 of the entire population is programmed, in DESIGN, to lose this suspicion.

hear have you ever had someone lie to you or take advantage of you, and latterly you said to yourself” I KNEW that was gon na be.”

little voice inside you told you that you were being prevaricated to, but you accounted it down and” allowed” it to beindeed though you knew better. I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about.

Likewisehave you ever been in a situation where you were told about commodity that was completely true and salutary, but you accounted it down, and latterly said to yourself” I KNEW I should’ve done that!”

suppose we all know what it feels like to miss out on commodity stupendous that we did not have to miss out on.

Do not let that be againGet off your duff and take action right now by getting the Speed Summit course while you can! click then or call Yates at1-580-931-8689

It will be worth further to you than just about anything you’ve ever learned.

Yates nearly had to break my arm to move me to indeed educate this stuff.

important of I learned directly from a former FBI agentalso I added my innumerous times of experience in Security and Sentry Workworking for Collection Agencies, and being on both sides of the table in innumerous ruthless high– bone business accommodations, as well as slice– edge NLP, Hypnotism & retrograde Ninja Mind Control technologies( yes there really is similar a thing, and in the Speed Summit DVDs you will get to discover just how real it is).

You’ll be tutored the” underground NLP” way, and you’ll discover
true and authentic Ninja Mind Control.

Yes, I said Ninja Mind Control. I am not talking about the Hollywood image of a joe in black pajamas. I am talking about the real true and authentic ninja that inspired the pictures. This isn’t about pajamas and remonstrating and samurai brands. I ’m talking about effects like

“ the 9 gates ” to enter into someone’s mind at will

This information is so precious and rare, if it’s all you got out of the Speed Summit it would be worth it at ten times the price. If you misdoubt this for indeed one second you’re wrongdue wrong. And I can fluently prove it to you.

And forget what you allowed you knew about NLP!

Yates and I’ve an EXPLOSIVE and SHOCKING new NLP advance noway tutored to anyone anywhere ahead. This is brand bouncing new and will shake up the NLP world like noway ahead. YOU will be the first to learn it and use it for stunning results.

By the waydid I mention that this is all just on on the first many DVDs? We are just getting warmed up thenstay’til you see what we ’ve got lined up for you in the rest of the course!

The SCIENCE of Info Product Empire Building and Ad Copywriting!

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